Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Daddy's bathtub fishing

Daddy gave Dylan his bath this morning while Mommy tried to catch a little more rest. But while Mommy was lying down, she couldn't help overhearing the following conversation:

Dylan: (giggle, splash)

Daddy: What'd ya doing Dylan?

Dylan: (giggle)

Daddy: Dylan, no! Whoa!!!

Dylan: (grunt)

Daddy: No Dylan! Hold on, son!

Dylan: (grunt, grunt)

Daddy: Wait Dylan! Do it in here!

The end result is pictured below:

(Even with Daddy's heroic efforts, he still went "tub fishing" for the elusive "Brown Trout." What a parent will do for their child.)


amy and mighty max said...

This is one of the best posts ever...hilarious! Absolutely love the photo! :)

Anonymous said...

This is too funny.... what a boy :)