Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Dylan Feeds the Troops and a Little Helper

Dylan helped Mommy and Daddy today. He joined us while we served (for all three shifts) tacos to all of Ray's coworkers. This was part of a sponsored event headed by Ray's association and Ray was kind enough to volunteer to put it together for everyone. So Dylan helped us make the taco meat, cut up the veggies, get the supplies, and even joined everyone eating by drinking his milk while watching the deputies enjoy the fruits of his labors. It was tough work but Dylan even entertained by demonstrating how he can wave hello, blow kisses, and even displayed the sign for milk. Dylan apparently doesn't know the meaning of stage fright.

When we were not cooking tacos, Dylan also helped Mommy and Daddy around the house. He observed Daddy fix a downspout on the side of the house, helped Daddy mow the lawn during a dry spell in the weather, and helped Mommy move shower items from one bathroom to the other. This is so she can start repairing the other bathroom. Dylan even helped the puppies get dry during a couple of freak downpours.

Dylan also skipped his regular nap time today so the evening has been an adventure to say the least. Dylan has been keeping his parents on their toes while they thought of inventive new ways to keep him happy until bedtime.

Tomorrow brings even more tasks to accomplish around the house and he gets to see Eileen, his Occupational Therapist. But first, we must say goodnight to our little tired helper. Thanks for the tacos Dylan.

Mommy is cooking the tortillas.

Daddy and Dylan enjoy the goods.

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