Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dylan's Talking!

Dylan is feeling a bit better today and actually ate a little more than yesterday. He seems to be on the mend although he still does have an upset tummy every now and again. But we believe that he is on the road to recovery. He has been well hydrated (we should take out stock on Pedialyte and popsicles) and in good spirits today so hopefully we'll have this stomach virus licked by tomorrow. We'll keep you updated.

But we have GREAT news (trumpets please)!!!! Dylan is saying his first word! That's right, he is talking. On Mother's Day, Dylan suddenly turned to Ray and said, "Da Da." At first we thought this was just a coincidence but since then, he has been repeating it even when we ask. We are very excited.

Now if only we can get him to say, "Ma Ma" on Father's Day.

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