Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Still Here! Just VERY Busy

We are still alive but have been very busy. When we mean busy....we mean BUSY! Can you guess why? Well, Mommy and Daddy are now officially a foster parents and last Tuesday, we got a call to help a 4 year-old girl. When Mommy went to pick her up, she was extremely distressed (and rightfully so). This little girl, M, has 4 siblings and one particular brother was the only one to be able to calm her. So can you guess what happened? Yep! J joined us too!

So we now have two extra kids in the house and its been challenging, rewarding, trying, weird, and..lots of fun! We have a little girl, M, who is just as cute as can be (although still hard to separate from her brothers side) and Mr J, who turns 8 tomorrow (Happy Birthday J!). He's a good kid and very helpful with his sister.

So there you have it. Mommy will give more details later but that is why the big delay for an update. But as you can guess..its bedtime. Update to come soon following some seriously needed zzz's.


Carolyn said...

Oh my gosh Kristy, I'm sending you lots of ((hugs)) and the whoe family too. You are awesome to be doing all this.
Carolyn in WV

amy and mighty max said...

So proud of all of you!

AZ Chapman said...

wow kirsty u have your hands full and sounds like D has a new playmate