Thursday, September 13, 2007

Daddy's First

This is going to sound mean, but Mommy had a good laugh at Daddy today. He had his first 'Playing With Poo' experience. You see, I get bored sometimes and I didn't want to take my nap so...I went poo. Then played with it. Actually, according to Daddy, 'playing with it' is an understatement. But whatever I did, sent him into a full-blown panic and we'll be honest. The house still smells.

Mommy left Daddy, Jonah, and I for about an hour today to get some errands done. She needed to photocopy somethings at work and then get some mail sent off. She timed it so we would be sleeping and so right after we were put to bed for naptime, she took off leaving Daddy in charge.

Daddy had some things to do around the house so Jonah and I were in our cribs for a good bit of time. Jonah was a good boy and slept but I wasn't interested. So to 'poo-land' I went. I poo-ed the bed, I poo-ed the walls, and I really poo-ed myself. All Mommy knows is the phone call she received from Daddy. He had just cleaned everything up and given me a bath but was still overwhelmed by the nice aroma I had created.

So that is where the over-the-top airfreshing happened. Then there were candles. All the windows were opened...but it now was just all a potpourri of stench. A little something added to the prevailing 'poo'.

And there you have Daddy's first 'poo-playing' experience. Mommy had to laugh because she has had the pleasure of this a number of times. So she didn't feel too badly for Daddy. Okay..maybe a little. All right. She actually felt pretty bad for him. That is not a very fun experience for Mommy and Daddy at least. Bet that is another experience not in the parenting manual! Love you, Daddy.

**Daddy wanted me to relay that he was not 'panicked' about the cleaning up part of this whole affair. It was the fact that Mommy had students coming a short while later. And yep. It really was stinky.