Monday, September 24, 2007

A Fun Day at the Park

For school today, we met at a brand new park. It was specially made for wheel-chair accessibility and has sections in it for older kiddos and our favorite, a section for younger kiddos. It is even better because the park is all made to look like one gigantic castle with rooms, swings, a tractor, slides, tunnels, and more! The olders kiddos section even has a tree-house, hanging rings, poles, and more tubes. We had a blast.

Mommy had a meeting this morning so Daddy took us and she met us there a little late. We were already swinging and Jonah was running around without a care at all for where Daddy was. It was so great because the sections were also fenced in so Jonah could run wherever he wanted and Daddy could still keep an eye on him. Daddy also taught Jonah how to go down a slide and he can do that all by himself now. After class was over, we all stayed behind so we could play even longer. With a nice sunny and crisp day, it was a great day to play. As an added bonus, we got to see some deer by the nearby creek as we headed to the car for a much needed diaper change, snack, and then nap!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Sounds like everyone had a GREAT time.