Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New Toy

Daddy and Mommy got us this cool new toy. It's actually two tents that can be connected by round tubes that you can climb through. Mommy call's it our "Insta-Fort".
Jonah likes to climb through the tubes. I do too and since they are lightweight, I also roll them around.
And the tents! We've already had story time and it's a great place to play peek-a-boo.

Thanks Mommy and Daddy. It's definitely helping these two kiddos. We're still a little on the cranky side this week. Jonah is particularly grumpy but hopefully not much longer. One of his new teeth popped through today. Phew.


Anonymous said...

phew (on the new tooth)Have fun with the many adventures of the tents..Let the imagination run wild boys!!

Carolyn said...

Your fort is awesome. You are going to have loads of fun !! I want to come and play.

AZ Chapman said...

looks like they had fun