Friday, September 28, 2007


I've learned something. I can say "NO". When Mommy asks if I want something...I shake my head "NO". I like it so much, that just like many two-year olds, I say it all the time. But what is so great about this is I'm also asking for what I want. When the answer is something I don't like, I'll tell Mommy "NO". Let me give you an example. Here is the latest conversation Mommy and I had. I was asking for grapes (my favorite) but Mommy wanted me to have milk. We ended up with a compromise.

Dylan: (signing) Grapes

Mommy: "You want grapes? Are you hungry?"

Dylan: (signing) Grapes. Eat.

Mommy: "Okay, Dylan. You can have something but you've already had grapes today. How about some milk."

Dylan: (shaking head) NO (signing) Grapes

Mommy: "Sorry Dylan. No more grapes. If you want something, you can have a milk."

Dylan: (shaking head) NO (signing) Grapes please.

Mommy: "Thank you for saying please. But no more grapes tonight. You can have a milk or a cracker".

Dylan: (signing) Cracker.

I got my cracker and then I also got my milk. But Mommy is SO impressed at this HUGE development in my signing, saying "NO", and relaying my wants. Hooray for me. I'm getting to be such a big boy.


Carolyn said...

I'm SO PROUD of you Dylan !! Keep up the good job you are doing.
Knuckles to you,
Carolyn in WV

amy and mighty max said...

THat is awesome Kristy! Sorry I am so far have had a busy AND exciting few days.

Congratulations Mr. Dylan on the walking and signing...HUGE PROGRESS!!!! WOW! I am stunned about walking Costco...yikes!

Love and kudos to you! Amy and Max