I've learned something. I can say "NO". When Mommy asks if I want something...I shake my head "NO". I like it so much, that just like many two-year olds, I say it all the time. But what is so great about this is I'm also asking for what I want. When the answer is something I don't like, I'll tell Mommy "NO". Let me give you an example. Here is the latest conversation Mommy and I had. I was asking for grapes (my favorite) but Mommy wanted me to have milk. We ended up with a compromise.
Dylan: (signing) Grapes
Mommy: "You want grapes? Are you hungry?"
Dylan: (signing) Grapes. Eat.
Mommy: "Okay, Dylan. You can have something but you've already had grapes today. How about some milk."
Dylan: (shaking head) NO (signing) Grapes
Mommy: "Sorry Dylan. No more grapes. If you want something, you can have a milk."
Dylan: (shaking head) NO (signing) Grapes please.
Mommy: "Thank you for saying please. But no more grapes tonight. You can have a milk or a cracker".
Dylan: (signing) Cracker.
I got my cracker and then I also got my milk. But Mommy is SO impressed at this HUGE development in my signing, saying "NO", and relaying my wants. Hooray for me. I'm getting to be such a big boy.
I'm SO PROUD of you Dylan !! Keep up the good job you are doing.
Knuckles to you,
Carolyn in WV
THat is awesome Kristy! Sorry I am so far behind...you have had a busy AND exciting few days.
Congratulations Mr. Dylan on the walking and signing...HUGE PROGRESS!!!! WOW! I am stunned about walking Costco...yikes!
Love and kudos to you! Amy and Max
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