Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Not-So-Happy Weekend

This weekend started off pretty good on Friday morning but it has been downhill ever since. It started when Jonah learned how to shut doors....right on my fingers. There was a little blood, lots of tears and I'll probably lose two fingernails. So that is where the drama began.

Jonah also became very clingy and whiney this weekend. Mommy figured out he has at least 4 teeth coming in. It wasn't hard to guess. He's been a drooling maniac for a couple of weeks now but it's starting to bother him. I have one coming in also as indicated by the blood on my toothbrush last night.

We are also off our schedules. Over the past week, we've been busy and so we hadn't been following our very strict schedule like normal. We usually take naps at 12:30 but for a couple of days there, I didn't take one at all! That meant when 6pm rolled around, dinner-time, which is normally a battle to begin with, has turned in to full-on warfare.

I also have an upset tummy. But that doesn't mean I can't have fun with it. Daddy got to experience his first 'poo-playing' on Friday but Mommy has had the pleasure 3 times this weekend! Oh, joy.

So given our crabby nature and our obvious need to just stay at home so we can get back on track with our schedules, Mommy cancelled going to the Mariners game today. She is pretty sad about that because as you might imagine, she's had a few 'walk-away' moments over the past couple of days and really, really......really, really.....really, really, really needed the break. She was really looking forward to hanging out with Uncle Joe too. We'll be making breakfast bars and since it's a little rainy today, Mommy is going to make some stew. It will be a quiet day *HOPEFULLY* at the G residence.

Wish Mommy luck. And me a good nap at 12:30! Maybe we can turn this unhappy weekend into a very quiet, calm, and relaxing one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kristy I hope you have a few up moments. Dylan I hope you and Jonah start feeling better and give moommy some extra lovin'.