Yesterday was the revealing of Down syndrome Outreach's 2008 Smiles of Life Calendar and it was a fantastic turn-out! The wonderful models and their families all came to see their efforts and photos come to life. Thank you to 'S' for making this year's calendar happen! You are so wonderful and Mommy said there wasn't a dry eye in the house when the video of all the photos ran as part of the unveiling ceremony began.
After checking out the new calendar, we enjoyed some yummy cake and each others company. Mommy met some wonderful new friends including Little Bug's parents! They drove all they way up from the Seattle area! Little Bug's family even brought Mommy presents! A bunch of items to put into the goody bags for the Buddy Walk. Thank you so much Little Bug family!
Mommy wanted to thank Treasury of Memories for the use of some folding chairs (they were definitely needed and a big help), Grandma and Grandpa for coming up to watch us kiddos so Mommy could host this fun event, Max's Mommy who helped inspire Mommy with a book that she made for 'S', and K's family! K was one of this year's models (and his Mommy is the one who provided us with some fabulouso haircuts). They stuck around after the event to help clean up which was so unexpected and so very nice. And one last (but very big) thank you to J. J helped Mommy with the entire event!
The! It is just great and even though I'm not in this one, lots of my friends are. They shared so much through their pictures. A great smile, a love for Karate, and a cute, CUTE little baby sucking her fingers. Just adorable. It just makes my Mommy fill with pride to have had the pleasure to know these individuals! Thank you so much everyone!
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