Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Television Debut!

Today is the day I'm going to be on TV! Grandma and Grandpa are excited. Mommy and Daddy are excited. All our friends are excited. Me? Not so much. I'm being very cool and collected.

Today at 4pm on Seattle's KOMO TV (channel 4) news, they will run a segment about the Great Harvest Bread Company's Bread-y Bear Campaign and Children's Hospital. All the proceeds for the sale of the Bread-y Bears go to the uncompensated care fund for Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center. This is the hospital that I had my heart surgery and has helped me in more ways than we can count.

So watch today! 4pm on KOMO TV! Thanks Jenni Hogan and KOMO TV for covering this story! Your support of the Bread-y Bear Campaign and Children's Hospital is very much appreciated.

(I'll sign autographs crayon)


Traci said...

Kristy, I just set the TV to DVR. My boys will be thrilled to see Dylan on TV - they like to come to your site and see pix if the kids.

I'm amazed at all you do to benefit Children's -- Thank you!


Anonymous said...

dad gum it..An hour and a half too late I see this..Ok I'll look for this again Dylan..Then I'll record..Congrats Big Guy

Heather said...

Bummer! We would have loved to see it. Will it air again? If so, let us know. We'd all love to see the little celebrity! :)

The Jensema's

sarah and the troops said...

Hey little famous man. You and your family were great. Tucker loved watching you on TV and Sam just ooooohhh and ahhhhhhh. We taped it so we can see you over and over again. You are one lucky little boy to have such a beautiful family. We love you much!

Shannon **Gabi's Mom** said...

How cool! Your a star now!