Monday, October 15, 2007

No School Today

No School Today. But its not because I'm sick. I have to see the eye doctor today. No big deal but it is just a check up. Mommy is starting to dread my visits because she feels like she gets a little chastized everytime she has to say..."he's wearing his glasses two hours a day now!..when I can find them."

Then it is supposed to be a rainy day so we are going to chill out at home while Mommy tries to catch up on paperwork. Then we are playing with our babysitter C for a bit while Mommy goes to another rehearsal. If its not too rainy tomorrow, we might go for a walk. The fall air feels so good and the leaves are really pretty right now.

I'd better get some breakfast. Wish me luck at the doctors!


Carolyn said...

Hope you had a good visit at the eye doctor and made mommy proud.

skeybunny said...

So having a kiddo of my own, that I have to keep glasses (and a patch, not to mention hearing aids...) on has given me a perspective on this subject that I don't think 20 years of practice could have given me as an optometrist. It's very hard to make someone wear glasses that doesn't want to! The optometrist in me knows that yes, full-time wear will be the most effective way to prevent a lazy eye from developing--and I have to encourage you to continue to strive for this. But practically speaking as a mom (and I will speak for dad, who is primarily in charge of this), my new mantra is becoming "some is better than none." When you have like 5 different therapy directions you get pulled in at the same time, there is only so much you can do. You do the best you can. There--I said it--it's out in the open. And that's all anyone else can ask of you--it's all you can ask of yourself.