Saturday, October 13, 2007

On the menu...a long night for Mommy

Jonah was really, really not happy about going to see Auntie J and Uncle R today. He wanted to stay with Mommy but she had to leave to go play her concert. So he pitched a fit and ended up falling asleep very, very early. And now he's having trouble sleeping even though Mommy is back and he is in his own bed.

Yep. It's going to be a long...long.....long...extra long night. Good news is that I played really well (and extra hard) with my cousins so I went to bed late. So I'm going to sleep well. Or at least that is what Mommy is hoping for. Thank you Cousing T for playing so much with me. I had fun. Same with Uncle R and Auntie J. Thank you for having me over.

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