Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Playtime before bedtime

Jonah has a new spot to read all his books. Can you guess that he's learned how to climb furniture. He hasn't mastered the couch yet but he has gotten the rocking chair, the coffee table, the Mariners wagon, and for whatever reason...loves to stand on the windowsill.
I'm signing hat Mommy. We're hanging int he playroom before bedtime.
Daddy is here too.
And Jonah. Did you notice that he has to push all of his books off that shelf to climb on it. He then reaches down to grab his book of choice scaring Mom each time. She's convinced he's going to land on his head. Kiddo has amazing balance.


Carolyn said...

Super pictures !!! Thanks for sharing. Your family's love shines through.

Sandi said...

Those pictures are great!

Anonymous said...

my favorite picture is of him signing hat to you on the floor. I love seeing the love in your face as you watch him. Excellent Capture on hubby's part.