Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Poor Sleepy Sick Mommy

As if it weren't bad enough that Mommy and Jonah are still not feeling so hot, one of our puppies decided to join in. But she couldn't get sick during the day. Oh, no. That would be too simple. So at 1am this morning, our puppy, Elsa, started to whine. Mommy got up and literally walked her in freezing temperatures throughout the yard (on a leash so she didn't run off in the dark). Elsa didn't do anything except piddle a couple of times so Mommy thought maybe she was whining about an animal or something. So Mommy went inside and climbed back into bed at 2am. Just as Mommy fell asleep at 3am, that is when Elsa woke her up again. But this time, she was whining because she had gotten sick all over the front living room...from both ends.

So that is why Mommy was cleaning the house at 3am. Just as she got it all cleaned up (it still stunk a little but at 4am..who cares), that is when Jonah woke up. He was sick also. So that is when Mommy got Daddy involved. So Daddy took care of Jonah for an hour so Mommy could get SOME sleep and then he had to wake up Mommy tat 5am. He had to go to work.

It was a rough, rough night. But there is relief in sight. Daddy is going to cover all of tonight so Mommy can sleep the whole night. Then it's all Mommy on the Night Duty Shift as Daddy heads away for the next 3 weeks. He has training for the Navy. You can bet she'll take full advantage of tonight and get that sleep promised to her. Sleep well Mommy.


Carolyn said...

Kristy, I hope you get the much needed rest before Ray goes for his 3 weeks with the Navy. Ok Dylan and Jonah, it's time to help Mommy for the next few weeks.
Carolyn in WV

Sandi said...

Oh Kristy! I hope we can help you out for the next short while in some way. Perhaps we can add a 'kid friendly' dinner to your freezer or bring ya a cup of java one afternoon.... or take Elsa for an overnight with our boxer puppy dogs? You are amazing! Absolutely a wonderful momma! I'll call you and I'm serious about the dinner! :)

Anonymous said...

Kristy, Hope you're able to get some sleep. No Halloween treats except sleepinng.

Love ya guys, feel better.

Susie PSU said...

I hope you got some sleep and everyone's feeling better!