Saturday, October 27, 2007

Uh Oh

Mommy got Jonah's cold. Daddy also reports that while Mommy was away today for a Leadership Training Program (we'll get to this in a later post...but very cool stuff) I haven't been all that hot either.

So it is confirmed. The cold bug has hit the G family. This cold bug also means that Mommy had yet another sleepless night. Mommy also has a concert tonight so it will probably be another very long night for her when she gets home.

Hopefully we'll all be better very soon. But it sounds like a good opportunity to just hang out on Sunday watching football in our sweats and having some serious family recooperating time.


Anonymous said...

hugs, hope you feel better SOON!!!!

Carolyn said...

Oh No, not that cold bug !! Hope everyone will be feeling better real soon.
Carolyn in WV

sarah and the troops said...

We are so sorry you are all not feeling well. We are sending lots of hugs and kisses and wishes that you all can rest and get better soon! We love you.