Sunday, February 10, 2008

So Sick Pt. II

Mommy says that we have been sick with one of the worst stomach viruses ever. She is finally starting to feel better but this virus was so bad, that the first meal she could manage to keep down was last night. She ate some soup. She was so sick that she had to miss her leadership group meetings on Friday and Saturday. She's pretty sad about that because there was this fantastic speaker that she was looking forward to hearing. An amazing woman who changed Washington state legislature so her cousin could go to school. Her cousin had Down syndrome and the Seattle school district (at that time) didn't have to educate him, so they didn't. Until Cecil made them. Pretty strong and dedicated woman.

Now Daddy has the virus too and he's so sick he had to stay home from Navy reserves this weekend. That is really bad. He was supposed to be taking a Chief's test today but there was no way he could drive there without problems...let alone sit in a room for a long time without having even more.

This virus causes such a horrible nausea, diahrrea, muscle cramps, fever, and tummy ache. We're happy that Mommy is on the mend and hope that Daddy gets better very soon. This is a horrible way to lose weight. We'll just stick to the regular diet and exercise weight loss plan from now on.


Anonymous said...

oh man..hope ya'll are on the mend QUICKLy..Much love..

Cadence and her family live in said...

Hey Kristy,
We missed you plenty. Because of the caucus, though, it was a short day. I missed having the whole day with the group. Cecil was great, but she'll be back. She won an auction item last night - a Fairhaven extravaganza - so that clinches it.
I'm glad you guys are on the mend....... And selfishly, I also gotta say that I'm glad (read hugely relieved) that you didn't get it from me! grin.
See you soon!