Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Dylan's First Road Trip! Seaview, WA

Hi Gang! I went on my very first road trip and I have to say, I had a BLAST! We went to Seaview on the penninsula of Washington with some very good friends of ours. They have access to a beach house down there and were very kind to have us over. Of course, we took lots of pictures so we thought we'd share a few:

Hey Dad! Can I drive?

Wow! That ocean is bigger than I thought! And it sure is wet out here!

It was very rainy and windy. It made for some fantastic wave watching!

Mom..You're supposed to be watching the waves! Jeez!

It was Kacy's first trip to the ocean too! Here she is with her Mommy, Jayna!

Dylan also got to see his first horses! It was a big day of firsts! Dylan informed Mommy that he already knows what a cow looks like.

There was also a bear!

We also went shopping in town. That crazy Scotty!

Daddy went go-kart riding. And he thinks Mommy is a wild driver! Now she has proof of who really goes wild!

Then we went back to the beach. Here is a picture of our friends Jayna, Doug, and Kacy.

And us too!

Daddy showed me the water up close.

Thanks again Doug, Jayna, Scotty and Kacy! We had such a good time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos-looks like you had a great trip! I love the last one, what an amazing smile he has.