Friday, May 19, 2006

Pregnancy Update

Many of you have been asking how the pregnancy is going so we thought we'd better send out an update. Kristy had a doctor's appointment this last week and things are going smoothly. The baby is measuring big (again) so there was the discussion of another c-section. Kristy had been hoping to avoid this but unless she goes into spontaneous labor the first week of August, then there will be a repeat c-section, probably the second week of August. Of course, this is all speculation as we still have a couple more months to go. We'll certainly let you know how things progress over this time.

Also, many of you have been asking if we are having a boy or a girl. We have decided not to find out until the baby is born. We do have names picked out but we are keeping them to ourselves until the baby arrives. You'll all just have to be surprised!

Overall, Kristy is feeling fine and the baby is moving around quite a bit. We are getting very excited and the anticipation is almost unbearable. Dylan seems to understand that something is going on and when we ask him to hug the baby, he will hug Kristy's stomach. Very cute. We sure can't wait for Dylan to meet his brother or sister. He is going to be such a great big brother.

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