Friday, May 19, 2006

Welcome Home Daddy!

Daddy got back in town this afternoon! Hooray! He and Dylan have been making up for lost time by playing. Daddy is also trying to help Dylan learn how to crawl with Mommy. We are placing items just out of Dylan's reach and Daddy will coax him toward the toy while Mommy helps Dylan work his legs. Talk about teamwork. We'll have this kid crawling by the end of the week.

We also have big weekend plans. Tomorrow is the Down syndrome Outreach Spring Fling picnic! It will be lots of fun playing with all the kids and seeing their parents. Then on Sunday, Mommy is going to the Mariner game with our sister-in-law, Jodel. Yep, Jodel and I are leaving the kids to the Daddy's. Go Mariners and thank you to my family for the tickets. What a great birthday present. We are REALLY looking forward to our girls day out. Jodel did come down with the flu today but we are hoping she'll be better by Sunday.

We'll keep you posted on "Mission Crawl" with Dylan and how the events of the weekend turn out. Now it's back to playing with Daddy! Welcome Home Daddy.

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