Thursday, June 01, 2006

Speech Therapy Here We Come!

I'm so very excited to report this! But we are FINALLY getting Dylan into speech therapy again after some very long months of waiting. You see, Dylan had been receiving speech until last November when his therapist went on maternity leave. Little did we know that it would take SO LONG to finally get back into a speech program. It turns out that there are not enough therapists in Bellingham, so there is a very long waiting list for kiddos to be seen. It didn't matter where we tried to get in to be seen, whether it be St. Joseph Hospital's Neurodevelopmental program, a private therapist, or through the Whatcom Center for Early Learning, there was a gigantic waiting list. If we had not been called soon to let us know Dylan was finally going to receive this very important therapy again, we were contemplating heading to Seattle to get it which is no cheap laughing matter if you consider the gas prices!

During this painful waiting period, I have been "winging it" with Dylan in some very important areas: eating, speaking (he only says Da Da but I've been trying to get him to mimick sounds with me), and in sign language. I feel like I did alright at first but I know I need expert advice! For example, how could I have known I was signing "out" incorrectly until someone kindly helped me out. Another worry is that Dylan is not self-feeding and I'm running out of ideas....

Thank you Harriet (our new therapist) for calling! We can't wait to work with you.

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