We have a new therapist in our midst at the G household and we have been trying a new technique to try and curb some bad behavior I have been exhibiting. When I get frustrated or overly excited, I have taken to scratching faces. This includes anyone, anywhere, and at anytime. So Mommy enlisted some help from a child behavioral specialist who taught her the "Be Safe" method. Instead of time-outs for bad behavior, Mommy is supposed to pick me up and carry me over to my Be Safe sign. She's to forcefully say "BE SAFE" and then let me go on my merry way.
We tried it. Daddy and Mommy quickly concluded it did not work. Nope. In fact, it was a game. So Mommy is going to try some other suggestions that have more consequence to bad behavior. She has not resorted to spanking yet and since my crib time-out isn't the answer either, she's willing to try some suggestions from a few other parents. The theory behind the "Be Safe" method was good sounding, but not good for me. Back to square one.

Did you call Bracken again and tell her what is going on? She definitely would want to talk with you and come up with another strategy. Just an idea!
I wish I had a perfect solution...
timeout chairs? timeout stairs? You crying and showing him how much it hurt you?
I know these are probably lame..I wish I had an answer that wasn't so lame for you..I'll keep looking..
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