Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Flu Update

Mommy called our pediatrician/doctors office today to discuss what was going on with our illness and they said we seem to be symptomatic of the swine flu. BUT we are outside of the 24 hour period that is required to start a Tamiflu prescription (for me). That was the bad news. The good news is that we are weathering this bug just fine. In fact, if it weren't for the doctors office discussion and the way the fever has been for us kids (see below), Mommy would have thought that it was a cold and not the swine flu. So, for all you local folk..here are our symptoms so you can be on the lookout:
  • Chills. Just so you know, Mommy slept with a sweatshirt, a scarf, and sweatpants on last night. UNDER covers.
  • Headache. Enough said.
  • Fever that runs VERY high then goes away. Then the fever returns. This fever can even wait 24 hours to return. Yep. The yo-yo affect for fevers. Here it is...there it goes....here it is...there it goes. This yo-yo fever affect is definitely more dramatic in us kiddos and not so much for Mommy.
  • Achy, Achy, Achy.... and NO ENERGY!!!!! Wanna know how fatiguing? Mommy hasn't cleaned the house. For those out there who really know Mommy, that's big. She's always picking up, cleaning, or doing something. She doesn't do 'SIT' well so she is always on the move. The end result is always a clean house. So to not have cleaned is a statement.
  • Mommy says her lungs hurt and that if she were to diagnose it, she'd say she has a very bad cold that has settled in her lungs. Her lungs kind of burn and the cough comes from the lungs and not a tickle in the throat.
  • Congestion (Check); Runny Nose (Check); and Nasty Cough (CHECK)
  • Diarrhea. (good times - Check - but not everyone experiences this)
  • Jonah has been the only one to vomit and Mommy is convinced that this is because she gave him milk right before he spiked his first big fever. But it happened. The rest of us have not had the pleasure.
So there is our symptoms. Fun, Fun, Fun. Like I said, Mommy would have guessed this to be a very bad cold and that is why we listed our symptoms. It's not your usual flu which is why I guess the media has made such a big deal. We are doing just fine but this information is good to know for all my friends with lung issues. Mommy also says that the yo-yo fever is a very strong characteristic of the swine flu for kids according to one of the triage nurses she spoke with. Same with the cough. But for Mommy, her fever does not pitch as dramatically as it does with Jonah and I.

Our cold/flu time has become family fun time. We have had a lot of family videos, book reading, and couch cuddling the last couple of days. So while we may feel lazy and coughy, we are spending some serious quality time together. It's been nice. Okay. Maybe it would be better without illness, but its been nice all the same.

Daddy has also been a very supportive hubby and when he heard Mommy was sick, he came home from work with magazines for Mommy to read yesterday. Then Daddy stayed home from work today to tend to us patients. How nice is that?!? We love our Daddy. Score one for the man of the house! He even got more tylenol, tissues, and juice. Yes, indeedy. He's a keeper.

We got lots of calls yesterday from many concerned friends. Thank you so much to everyone. You are all very sweet. It's nice to know we are so loved. Thanks to H for the soup she brought today. It was YUMMY! And thanks to A who called offering chili and as always, is a wonderful friend. The P family offered to pick up groceries or whatever. Uncle Don brought Mommy and Daddy a movie. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Carolyn said...

Thank you so much for the update and I certainly wish I lived closer to help or do errands for you. Kristy, please watch that yours doesn't turn into pnemonia with the chest thing going on with you. Dylan and Jonah enjoy all those cuddles. And Ray "you're the man" taking care of everyone. I hope you don't come down with anything. Hugs and cuddles to the whole "G" family.
Carolyn in WV

Anonymous said...

Get better Family..We are saying prayers for you.

Sandi said...

Lots of love heading to the Gillig family. Good information to know. Hang in there and we will pray that there is a quick mend in store for you.

Can we borrow Ray sometime? :)

Knowledge Safari said...

Hi we are now following you and Dylan!

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