Yesterday, we were supposed to go visit Grandma and Grandpa down in Seattle. We were going to play with them while Mommy went to the Mariner game with Uncle Joe. But Mommy was very tired after a few nights of no sleep and we were fussy. So Mommy made the decision to not head south and boy! was she right.
You see, Jonah got sick. He was very fussy (he has teeth coming in too) and last night he woke up several times crying and very snotty. Mommy is very sad to not have made the trip down to see Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Joe but she's glad in retrospect. It would have been awful.
Since Jonah is sick, it also means Mommy has missed yet another night of sleep. So this morning we are not going to church (again) and it seems to be a video, book-reading, cooking day. Mommy already has chicken in the oven to make some homemade chicken-noodle soup. She's also baked cookies, brownies, and more but lots of that is for a family at church that has a sick Mommy and for a memorial Mommy is attending later this afternoon.
It's a good day to be inside too. It's rainy and windy and even though Mommy was upset about not getting much sleep, she enjoyed listening to the heavy rain and winds last night as a storm system passed through. Yep. It will be a nice day inside...counting little snotty nose aside.
I hope you all feel better (and get some rest) soon!
Oh Dylan and Jonah we hope you feel better soon and can give your momma some rest - take care Gillig family! I loved the costco story, what a BIG BOY Dylan!
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