Saturday, September 29, 2007

No Sleep

Mommy is not very happy. Daddy is working the night shift and so that means that Mommy is covering all the night shifts here at home. Since Jonah is teething, she's already a little low in her reserves but last night was particularly bad and Mommy is feeling a little sorry for herself. She's already called and cancelled her plans with Uncle Joe to go to the Mariner game. But it's a night game and she'd fall asleep anyway. Also, since she can't stay in Seattle tonight, driving home would be down right dangerous.

Okay. Maybe Mommy isnt' feeling a little sorry for herself. She's feeling it alot. Hopefully, Jonah and I will take a nap together today. But since we were both up at different times of the night, it's not looking likely. Yep. Definitely feeling sorry for herself. Geez Mom. Let me give you a hug. That will make it all better.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Kristy, I'm so sorry you are "sleepless". And that you can't go to the Mariner game. :(
OK boys, take a nap together and mommy can get a little shut-eye too.
Hugs to you Kristy,
Carolyn in WV